We are pleased to announce that Obaggo has successfully shipped to all crowdfunding backers in 48 states and 8 countries, both 110v and 220v units. We are now actively taking and fulfilling new orders! It was a long journey, with plenty of challenges along the way, but thanks to all our supporters we have a beautiful product destined to be a game-changer for reducing plastic waste and pollution.
To all our backers, and to all those who contributed their time, energy, and expertise to help bring the World's FIRST Plastic Densification Appliance to market, we owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you so very much!

Plastic bags and packaging film is the fastest growing type of packaging material, growing at over 6% a year. It is also the least recycled of all types of packaging, at around 2% or less. The low recycling rate is largely due to the shape of the material. The thin, flimsy bags are a contaminant to the curbside recycling stream, and are therefore banned from almost all curbside recycling programs.
A big part of our job is educating people about what types of plastic are and aren’t recyclable. With Obaggo, you can recycle your clean and dry bread bags, cereal box liners, padded shipping envelopes, air pillows and bubble wrap, dry-cleaning bags, ice-bags, many vegetable bags like potatoes, carrots, and celery bags, the case-wrap over water bottles and the wrap over toilet paper, paper towels, and napkins, and dozens of other types of bags and film.
Obaggo’s plastic film recycling appliance allows consumers to densify their recyclable plastic bags and packaging film into rigid disks that are more economical to collect, sort from the recycling stream, and transport to plastic recyclers.

Although we are actively working towards our goal of curbside recycling of Obaggo disks, this is not available nationwide (yet!). While we work to expand options for getting your disks to plastic recyclers, Obaggo users can deposit their disks at any of the 12,000 retail store drop-off locations operated by Trex and several other companies (Click here to find a drop-off location near your zip code). We are also working on our own mobile enabled web application to help you find locations near you.
Thank you to those of you who signed up for our Pilot Test program. Please be patient as the details of this comes together. If you have space to save-up your disks, please save them until we can provide mailing labels and shipping instructions. Otherwise, please take them to a drop-off location near you, where they will be recycled.
Plastic bags are commonly recycled into outdoor decking, composite building materials, drainage pipe, roof sheathing, and dozens of other products including back into bags. Bags and film can be recycled; there is no reason they need to end up in landfill or the environment.
If you don’t have an Obaggo yet, it's not too late! We have Obaggo’s ready and waiting to ship to you!

To order your Obaggo, just go to our Indiegogo page at the following link:
Thanks again for supporting this important plastic recycling innovation!