One question we're often asked is, "Why is Obaggo needed when they're banning grocery bags?" Isn't a solution like Obaggo no longer needed?
"Au contraire!" we say, (with our best French accent :)
Now is actually a great time to innovate in the area of plastic film recycling. Precisely because there is so much recyclable plastic packaging film now, and so much more of it is coming.

Take the items in our top photo. A year ago, the granola bar wrappers and breakfast cereal pouch shown here were nothing but garbage.
Now, they're made from polyethylene, the same recyclable material as grocery bags.
Today, you can recycle them together.
Thank you, Nature Valley and Bear Naked, for choosing sustainable packaging!
Over 90 consumer packaged goods companies (CPGs) have signed the "US Plastics Pact", a commitment to make all plastic packaging either reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025.
We are just starting to see progress on the store shelves.
Good job, Ocean Spray, on your recyclable snack pouches!
There is tremendous innovation in the area of sustainable, recyclable packaging, as exemplified by ExxonMobil's line of pouches that are both recyclable and made from recycled materials.
As we see this packaging show up on the shelves, Obaggo will be sure to let you know so you can make good shopping choices.
Well done, ExxonMobil, keep it up!
This same innovation is happening throughout the plastic packaging industry. Amcor has a line of recyclable pouches, too.
Way to go, Amcor!

And Dow Chemical deserves kudos for their "Recycle Ready" line of pouches, used by Bear Naked and others.
The bottom line:
There is a lot of new recyclable plastic packaging film.
But there is only ONE new solution for getting it to recyclers... Obaggo!
And that is why Obaggo is a timely innovation.
Please support this project by pre-ordering your Obaggo today.
Take advantage of our $219 special Early Adopters pilot test program price (limited time, limited quantity).
Thanks so much for your support!
Dave New, founder