Innovative Plastic Film Recycling
Transform your plastic bags and packaging film into recyclable disks
Around 2% of plastic bags and packaging film are recycled.
Plastic bags and film aren’t accepted in most curbside collection or transfer station recycling programs.
The thin, flimsy, shape of the material causes them to jam the equipment that sorts other recyclables.
Meet Obaggo
The world's first plastic bag densification appliance for the household

Shape is everything.
Loose bags are a bad shape for recycling. They tangle, jam, get filthy. Worthless to recyclers.

Obaggo pucks are a great shape for recycling. The inner bags stay clean and dry, don’t jam machinery, don’t get confused with other recyclables — which makes them economical to turn into good products.
Works like magic.
Start with clean and dry bread bags, cereal box liners, vegetable bags, zip-lock bags, or any of dozens of other recyclable plastic films. Wrap them all up in a ball and place them inside.
With the push of a button, Obaggo applies a little heat, a little pressure, and like magic, your plastic bags have been transformed into a recyclable object.

Keeps bags out of landfill.
We’re running out of landfill, and plastic bags and wraps take up a lot of space. In the US, our landfills are projected to be full in 15 years, and 5 years if you live in Puerto Rico. Obaggo helps you keep all that valuable plastic out of landfill.

Obaggo creates circularity.
Yeah, we create circles, but we also enable circularity. Plastic bags can come back as many things. Your Obaggo disks can come back as a flower pot, a compost bin, or maybe an Adirondack chair. And then that plastic can be recycled again.