This week, as we lead up to the September launch of our crowdfunding campaign, we want to answer another "Frequently asked question":
"What types of plastic bags and wraps are recyclable using Obaggo?"

From a recyclability standpoint, not all plastic bags and packaging film are created equal. It can be very confusing, as a consumer, to figure out what can and cannot be recycled into new products.
Obaggo is going to try to make it easier for you

To get recycled into their highest, best use, Obaggo disks need to be made from just clean and dry, contaminant-free, polyethylene films.
Sometimes these will be labeled with a #2 - HDPE (high-density polyethylene), or a #4 - LDPE (low-density polyethylene). These can all be Obaggoed together.
Always remove all paper labels, which BURN during the recycling process, and ruin the recycled material.
Multi-layer stand-up pouches, and protein-contaminated wraps from meat and fish, and stretch "Saran" wraps, also cannot be recycled.

"Gray is the new Green!"
Most manufacturers that use post-consumer plastic bags and film can handle a mix of all the different polyethylene (PE) densities.
They use compatibilizers and stabilizers to make them blend together into a more uniform material.
The colorful inks typically blend together into a grayish color.
But many bags and film are NOT recyclable. Some just have to be thrown away.
So how can you tell what is Obaggo-able?
The following types of items are recyclable in Obaggo:

1. Items with the Obaggo Ready symbol. This means the plastic film has been approved to be used in Obaggo.

2. Items with the #2-HDPE or #4-LDPE recycling symbol. These are good polyethylene's and can be recycled together in Obaggo.

3. Items with the How2Recycle label "Plastic Bags/Film/Wrap" You can take them back to a retail store, or put them in your Obaggo.

4. Items listed on the www.plasticfilmrecycling.org website. Find the "Learn What's Recyclable" page and scroll through the items.

Relax! Don't Worry! Obaggo will send you regular updates with do's and don'ts, and how-to tips, so you can be confident that you are well informed about what is recyclable and what is not, and why.

THANK YOU for caring about plastic recycling!
Please consider supporting Obaggo by pre-ordering a device on our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign in September!
Dave New, founder, Obaggo Recycling